Friday, April 15, 2011

BizBash Florida Expo 2011

7 Insights From the BizBash Florida Expo
NEWS 04.30.10 10:10 AM

The first BizBash Florida Expo took place on Wednesday at the Greater Fort Lauderdale and Broward County Convention Center. Nearly 1,100 people attended the day’s seminars and trade show, along with 80 exhibiting companies.

Throughout the day, attendees and speakers—including keynote presenters Colin Cowie, BizBash editor in chief Chad Kaydo, and Bruce Sutka of Sutka Productions International—discussed the state of the corporate event market, planning tips, and design ideas. Here’s a look at what people had to say.

“I think in the last 30 to 45 days we’ve started to turn the corner and the phone is ringing again,” and budgets will be back to normal in 2011.
—Colin Cowie

“Corporate is coming back. It’s just that instead of one event with 300 people, we’re doing three events of 100 people to spread out the budget a bit.”
–Keith Blauschild, co-owner, Parkland Chef Catering

“There’s a lot of movement in the corporate market. The extravagance of ’05 and ’06 is gone, but people are opening up [to doing events again]. They stayed away from entertaining for so long that they are starting to see they need to do it for both incentive and marketing purposes.”
–Warren Dietel, owner and president, Puff ‘N Stuff Catering

“I am negotiating hotel contracts for meetings like I never have before. You can get deals now that make no sense not to sign right away. The benefits are unbelievable.”
–Mona Meretsky, president, Comcor Event and Meeting Production

“People want to see the food prepared in front of them. It’s not just about the food, it’s about the presentation and show. And it doesn’t cost any more.”
–Ralph Rendsland, partner, Three2Oh

“Projections really help create an atmosphere. When you have a theme in mind, it really takes it to the next level without a whole lot of extra decor.”
–Bruce Sutka, president, Sutka Productions International

“I’m amazed at how much furnishings have come into parties but I like that type of residential design. It makes me feel like I’m bringing someone into my home and creating an environment where 200 people feel like 10.”
–Colin Cowie

—D. Channing Muller

Thursday, April 14, 2011

ESCA Standards & Best Practices Committee Reaches Out to College Students

On Monday, March 21st, ESCA's Standards & Best Practices Committee member, Rich Curran, presented the Site Inspection Workshop to Johnson and Wales University's School of Hospitality in Miami, FL. "How to Plan and Execute an Effective and Productive Site Visit of Hotels and Exhibition Venues" was presented to a class of 40 students who represent the future of our industry. This workshop is for everyone involved in exhibitions and meetings, i.e. general service contractors, Hotels, Convention Centers and CVBs.

Typically it is held as a lunch and learn that is an open forum with a panel of professionals from GSCs, Hotels, Convention Centers and CVBs, but it has been condensed to better educate the entry level status of the students. This presentation not only educates the students about site inspections but also familiarizes them with the ESCA brand. Please contact ESCA if you can help set up this presentation at a local college near you.